Been a while since I've posted here.
I won a few more competitions! (Will update the competition post when they arrive in the post!)
I went to stay in my dad's house with C on Monday snowed really heavily and I ended up having to stay another night! At least I got to bring C out in the snow for the first time.

I won a few more competitions! (Will update the competition post when they arrive in the post!)
I finally got home last night. And today's mine & Chris's 3 year anniversary!I can't believe it's been three years! I was a little 17 year old when I first met him! Best three years of my life, by far :)
We had planned to go out for a meal, bringing C of course, but in the end we just decided to go for a M&S Dine in meal as he's teething and we'd be more comfortable in our own home.
Tomorrow I've got to have a chest x-ray and kidney scan due to the pre-eclampsia. Do I really need to go? I stopped my blood pressure tablets before Christmas as I felt fine. Chris is making me go though. Grr....
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