Friday, 7 June 2019

What I Won - May 2019

I am terrible with keeping up to date with my competition win posts! I'm finding that it is a lot harder to win lately - especially compared to a year or two ago.

Here's what I won in May:

Facebook Wins
A copy of 'Hard Pushed: A Midwife's Story' by Leah Hazard 

A copy of 'Daring Daddy' by M P Robertson

Instagram Wins
LEGO Darth Vader clock 

£100 spend at Tog24 & a bottle of Sloe Motion Hedgerow Botanical vodka

Montezuma's chocolate box 

Kids camping projector

Twitter Wins
A copy of 'A Summer To Remember' by Sue Moorcroft

A copy of 'Yoga for Everyone' by Diane Bondy

Web Wins
Aurelia skin serum 

Still doing really well with book wins which is great. With both kids birthdays in September, I'm hoping for some nice toy wins in June or Amazon vouchers!

Did you win anything nice this month?
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